My best friend英语作文3篇

2023-11-16 22:46:24

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my best friend英语作文 篇一

Maybe there are some people, they don't like the teacher took us to navigate the sea of knowledge, also won't like parents tell me the true meaning of life. They will give you some brief but moving story, they may teach you play the game fun and healthy. They are my good friends, good students.

I want to thank my friend. In class, we discussed together; After class, we happy playing together. They make me smile and happy.

We have good things always play together. We are together in the silent corner listening to the music box piece; Always in whose home help doll hair style and clothes design, playing. We are on a roll in the grass, and then climbed up the tree to pick the delicious berry; On the night of the moon, we speak on the roof of the creepy ghost stories, and so on. Thank my friend gave me these it is worth collecting, memorable story.

Not just good friends happy, happy, also share the pain. On one occasion, I surprisingly bad, are not much more than the bottom of the class first. The next class is physical education, I a person quiet in the classroom. Glittering and translucent tears from my cheek. My friend came back, she took out paper towel and gently wipe the tears on my cheeks, she said: "don't cry, the examination is just a test, don't have to think too highly of, I think, success and failure is just as important to you, let the failure of the past, victory belongs to the future." I just looked up at the words, and she go to the gym on the playground.

They are like a relaxed and comfortable wind that blows to my sad worry; They are like a shining emerald, shines in my path of childhood: they are like a beautiful fantasy, give me the cleansing of the mind. Thank you, my old friends for five years, you gave me is not just a fun game, beautiful music, and the delicious, I will never forget memories!






my best friend 作文 篇二

Everybody has a best friend that they can share everything with others.

I also have a best friend. Her name is 姓名。We met in my Primary school, and we were in the same class. She is a very caring person and she always helps others who have difficulties. Even though her body has a little fat, she is also a lovely girl in my heart. She helped me a lot. I can remember one of the things. On that day, we’ll have a music lesson that every classmates are get ready except me. I can’t find my music book. I am very worried because the teacher is strict with us. At this moment, she handed me a music book who is my bestfriend. She smiled to me and said:” Don’t worry and let us to learn with the one book.”

A friend in need is a friend indeed. I am proud of having a kindly friendlike her. We are the best friends forever.

my best friend 作文 篇三

My friend Jack is a sixteen-year-old boy who is studying in our senior high. He is a history monitor in class, but he doesnt like history if anyting. His favorite pastime is football. He is also a gifted guitor player.

Jack has got short black hair. Usually, he goes to school with his hat on his head. And he wears a pair of black glasses. He is a thin boy with humorous.

Jack is popular with classmates. Sometimes, he even has a desire to help others. For example, he always help classmates with study.

Jack gets on well with everyone. We all like him. The outgoing boy is really something.

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