
2023-01-25 21:47:25


《呼啸山庄》英文读后感 篇一




呼啸山庄英文读后感 篇二

Many people in the world are trying to find a perfect companion.Some of these may marry and not know what their new husband or wife is like.This kind of situation often leads to separation or hostility. Other situations may develop between two friends that stem from jealousy, desire for revenge, uncaring parents, etc. Emily Bronts Wuthering Heights displays several characteristics of destructive relationships. Three of these are uncaring parents, marriage without knowing the person, and jealousy.

Uncaring or unsympathizing parents are shown throughout this story to be an element of destructive relationships. Because Heathcliff gained all the attention from Mr. Earnshaw, Hindley became disassociated from his father. This separation continued until after Mr. Earnshaw had died.Another example is between Hindley and Hareton. Hindley became such a drunk and a gambler that he could not properly care for young Hareton. This led to a separation between Hareton and his father as well. One primary example of an uncaring parent is shown between Heathcliff and his son Linton.Heathcliff did not even want his son for anything except enacting a part of his revenge. This is shown by Lintons fear of Heathcliff and Heathcliffs enmity toward his son. Linton even says "。.。 my father threatened me, and I dread him - I dread him!"(244) to express his feeling about Heathcliff.The hostility and separation between father and son in this book shows that uncaring parents can cause serious damage in relationships with their children.

This element of destructive behavior may stem from an unhappy marriage in which the husbands or wives dont know each other. This had happened between Isabella and Heathcliff. Isabella did not really know Heathcliff when she married him, but after she had married him she saw that Heathcliff was not a gentleman at all. To declare her feelings she wrote "Is Heathcliff a man? If so, is he mad? And if not, is he a devil? I shant tell my reasons for making this inquiry; but I beseech you to explain, if you can, what I have married 。.。"(125)。 Another example of this is when Catherine married Edgar Linton. Although she had been happy at the beginning of the marriage, she thought having parties all the time was going to be fun. Yet, after a while, she became bored. She also realized that she loved Heathcliff more than Edgar and would always love Heathcliff.This enlightenment created separation between Edgar and Catherine during the final hours of Cathys life. An additional marriage which was made that was doomed was the one between Catherine and Linton. Because this was a forced marriage, Cathy had not yet learned all she could about Linton.Because she did not know until after the marriage that Linton was selfish and inconsiderate, she became distressed and grew isolated in the house.These three failed marriages described in this novel show that knowing the person you will marry is very important.While these marriages took place, jealousy also took a hold in some relationships. One example of this is when Mr. Earnshaw starts to favor Heathcliff over his own son, Hindley. Because of this, Hindley becomes jealous of young Heathcliff and sets out to make Heathcliffs life a nightmare. Hindleys jealousy becomes evident when he says ,"。.。 be damned you beggarly interloper! and wheedle my father out of all he has; only afterwards show him what you are, imp of Satan."(35)。 Jealousy was also found very notably in the relationship between Heathcliff and Edgar Linton.

The jealousy between them is expressed when Heathcliff and Edgar start a hostile conversation after Cathys homecoming at Christmas near the beginning of the book. As the story progresses these two become bitter enemies who will not speak to one another. Another relationship which jealousy ruined is the one between Hareton and Linton. These two become jealous of each other over Cathys affections. This relationship ends as Hareton and Linton hating each other. These relationships show that jealousy can ruin a relationship very quickly.

The jealousy, neglect, and unprepared nature of the many relationships in this book indicates that many of the relationships in this book have gone "sour"。 In spite of all these destructive elements one relationship may succeed. This is the one between Cathy and Hareton.

呼啸山庄英文读后感 篇三

After reading the book, it was two weeks ago, my mind only two words " tangled"。

Heathcliff seemed to have a multiple personality.

When I was a child of silence let a person feel sympathy, lamented his life, and for he was able to meet Mr earnshaw, and Mr earnshaw from the initial sympathy, gradually become a preference for him.

Also because of this preference caused the envy and dissatisfaction of the people around you.

Heathcliff grew up, and his character was more elusive.

Mr earnshaw s death, all his things were reduced to ashes, except Catherine earnshaw s love. But in the end, Catherine chose Edgar linton, status, talent, money 。.。

Heathcliff walked with pain, or fled.

After a long time he appeared as if he had broken the quiet life of others. Cunning, treachery, hypocrisy, let a person feel terrible.

His revenge for the hatred in the heart, the means of revenge to the point of beyond, but love for Catherine, as always, still sincere, treat others still silent, let a person scratching their heads.

When all returned to peace with his strange death, Catherine s daughter and cousin lived a comfortable life in the Wuthering heights.

Catherine is gone, Isabella linton ( Edgar s sister ) is gone, earnshaw is gone, little Lincoln is gone, Heathcliff is gone 。.。

The whole story with Mr Lockwood ( tenants ) visit, visit Heathcliff the landlord, see Wuthering heights, know Mrs Allen dean, dreaming in Catherine s room, dream of Catherine s wandering soul, gradually curious and ask Mrs Allen dean, learned everything.

Simple and honest kind of Mrs Allen dean, Catherine and Heathcliff tangled love, Lincoln and sister that naive and inner cowardice, earnshaw s love and hate, finally became a fall, small earnshaw s ignorance, vulgar because of the emergence of small Catherine gradually faded appearance dirty, holding the bible chanting Yue Se husband as always annoying but deep sympathy for him, helpless.

So many people in Emily Bronte s works have their own characteristics and unreservedly show their beauty and ugliness.

呼啸山庄英文读后感 篇四

At first I will tell you the main plot about Wuthering Heights. The story is narrated by Lockwood, a gentleman visiting the Yorkshire moors where the novel is set, and of Mrs Dean, housekeeper to the Earnshaw Family, who had been witness of the interlocked destinies of the original owners of the Heights. Described the love and enmity between Earnshaw and Linton’s family, especially Heathcliff and Catherine’s deeply love. Heathcliff is brought to Heights from the streets of Liverpool by Mr Earnshaw. Heathcliff is treated as Earnshaw’s own children, Catherine and Hindley. Heathcliff is bullied by Hindley after Earnshaw death and his lover Catherine marries Edgar Linton for many factors. This made Heathcliff mad, his destructive force is unleashed and his first victim is his beloved, Catherine, who dies giving birth to a girl, another Catherine(Kathy)。 Edgar’s sister, whom he had married, flees to the south. Their son Linton and Kathy are married, but always sickly Linton dies. After that, Hareton, Hindley’s son and the young widow fall in love. Increasingly isolated and alienated from daily life, Heathcliff experiences visions, and he longs for the death that will reunite him with Catherine.

The story is wonderful, and the structure is also extremely excellent.The author Emily Bronte use a series of flashbacks and time shifts draws a powerful picture of this story. Because of its wonderful story, excellent structure and graceful language, the book left a deep impression on me.

From this book, we understand the deeply love and enmity. We find that the enmity always touched by deeply love at the end of the story, true feelings and true love always moved everyone. So we must treat others with true feelings.

That’s all I want to say about Wuthering Heights. It’s really a good book. Readers will really gain much from this book.

《呼啸山庄》英语读后感 篇五

The book Wuthering Heights told us a story about love and revenge: the abandoned boy Heathdiff was adopted by Mr Eamshaw and lived with Mr Earnshaws son Hindley and daughter Cathiner. Hindley disliked Heathdiff. He insulted and maltreated Heathdiff in every possible way after Mr Earnshaws death. At the same time, peculiar emotion occurred between Cathiners and Heathdiff. Because of vanity and ignorance, Cathiner decided to mary Linton. Heathdiff left with anger. Three years later, Heathdiff returned to revenge. He succeeded in annexing all the property of Hindleys and the Lintons. However, Cathiners ghost pestered him all the time, and he died in mental disorder.

To understand Wuthering Heights, you must know the auther Amily well. She had been abnormal in inentality ever since her childhood. Her sister Charlotte had once said that Amily was even ber than a man in character, and more simple than a child. He name Heathdiff was compounded by the words Heath and Cliff, itself gave the readers a feeling of unfeelingness, which well annotated Amilys abnormal mentality.

Abnormal mentality did good for inducing and enriching the imagination of the auther in some way. Sometimes, Amilys imagination was beyond human nature but urueasenable. That was why she could with the thrilling scene in Mr lockwoods dream, the behainour of Cathiner when she fell ill, and the words full of b enthusiasm but unimaginable like. They were locked in an embrace from which I thought my mistress would never be released alive.

Amilys abnormal quality decided the thinking way during her creating, but her work was far from abnormal. Withering Heights is a healthy and harmonious work.Love-hetred-Ievenge-the Ievival of huanan natme,that is the clue of the story Cathiner and Heathdiff weIe a coupla of Iebels against the trandition The tragedy happened all because Cathiner didit Iesist thoughout and betraged Heathcliff at the key moment she ruined herself,Heathdiff and nearty the next generation The author portraged Cathiner Ivth a complicated mood she sympathized with her while being angry with her and she feet Sony for her while spurring to her.

The most vivid character in the story was Iepresented by Hindley and he could bear he was tormented by love Catheters contempt and Laughing at him that was what he couldnt bear That the heavy pies sure split his soul explained his cruel and crazyIeuenge.The writing of the novel gave preference to mysterious phenomenon and horrible atmosphere One of the most important fealties was the complexity of the narration structure It broke away from conventions and began from the middle This method of narration was for more attractive.

Among all the characters like the housekeeper Allen most She was never afraid of them she always said and did what she wanted to The most important point is that she was kind hearted and justice.A good book is worthy leading for many tines Withering Heights is not easy to understand but once you understand it you wild wander at the talent of the author.

《呼啸山庄》的英文读后感 篇六

As we all know,wuthering height is only one of the novel of the emily bronte When i see the famous novel,i is deep inside in its plot atmosphere

and other interesting story beyond your imagination so that i want to read the book one off 。

After you read the book, maybe you will think what terrible it is when a people change in his heart deeply 。probaby you will show much sympathy for the man it is called heathcliff even mnch understanding.but when the story develop,you will rebel against the man ,you could not imagine what evil it is in his heart ,he can do whatever thing in order to avenge 。for the sake of doposit the wealthy of the catherine ’s hushand —edgarlinton ,he sacrifice his son―little linton ,in my iponion ,he never regars his son as his famiiy just like a subjetct.his world is just full of the desire of vengeance incredible, the little sick linton marry with the daughter of 。you see,the plan is suceed.but it just a funny part of the story.but i feel the most splendid scene is the ending.the novel ends with the scene"Mr lockwood discovered the three headstones on the slope next the moor:Edgar-linton is only harmonized by the https://www.huzhidao.com/ turf and moss creeping up its foot,I lingered round

them ,under that benign sky,watched the months fluttering among the health and harebell through the grass,and wondered how anyone could ever imagine unquiet slumbers for the sleepers in that quiet earth "that word is impress me 。 I always consider if they are all have a opportunity to choose ,what do they will to choose again.Like this or other way 。if catherine

did not scruple her vanity and ignorance ,the ending become different from now vary much 。i can feel that they are in deep love 。they may have a happy ending 。the two houses is tragedy just because two leading actor did not have a happy ending. But after the heathcliff dead of his true love wait near the moor and his son is dead ,the daughter of catherine marry to the son of the haliton,i feel maybe that is only thing which is i glad to see 。in a word ,it have so many wondered plot and it really excellent novel 。

From the novel and the tragedy ,I realized that the greatest source of misery and hatred in this world 。the most importnt lesson i learn to be more tolerance ,wise and kind 。not hark back to some event long gone 。just remember keep a quiet heart.

呼啸山庄英文读后感 篇七

The book was written by Emily Bronte, it published in 1847.But at that time, it seemed to hold little promise, selling very poorly and receiving only a few mixed reviews. I found this in our school library, I chose this book because the title attracted me. The book is structured around two parallel love stories, the first half of the novel centering on the love between Catherine and Heathcliff, while the less dramatic second half features the developing love between young Catherine and Hareton. In contrast to the first, the latter tale ends happily, restoring peace and order to Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange. In the story, the two houses, Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange, represent opposing worlds and values.

I spent twenty days reading this book. After reading this book, I felt for Heathcliff at first. Heathcliff begins his life as a homeless orphan on the streets of Liverpool, and then he tyrannized by Hindley Earnshaw. But he bees a villain when he acquires power and returns to Wuthering Heights with money and the trappings of a gentleman. His malevolence proves so great and long-lasting. As he himself points out, his abuse of Isabella-his wife is purely sadistic, as he amuses himself by seeing how much abuse she can take and still e cringing back for more.

Catherine represents wild nature, in both her high, lively spirits and her occasional cruelty. She loves Heathcliff so intensely that she claims they are the same person. However, her actions are driven in part by her social ambitions, which initially are awakened during her first stay at the Lintons, and which eventually pel her to marry Edgar. Catherine is free-spirited, beautiful, spoiled, and often arrogant, she is given to fits of temper, and she is torn between her both of the men who love her. The location of her coffin symbolizes the conflict that tears apart her short life. She is buried in a corner of the Kirkyard. In contrast to Catherine, Isabella Linton-Catherine’s sister-in-law represents culture and civilization, both in her refinement and in her weakness. Ultimately, she ruins her life by falling in love with Heathcliff. He never returns her feelings and treats her as a meretool in his quest for revenge on the Linton family.

Just as Isabella Linton serves as Catherine’s foil, Edgar Linton serves as Heathcliff’s. Edgar grows into a tender, constant, but cowardly man. He is almost the ideal gentleman. However, this full assortment of gentlemanly characteristics, along with his civilized virtues, proves useless in Edgar’s clashes with his foil. He sees his wife obviously in love with another man but unable to do anything to rectify the situation. Heathcliff, who gains power over his wife, sister , and daughter.

The whole story make people’s mood heavy. Fortunately, the end is happy.

The author Emily Bronte lived an eccentric, closely guarded life. She was born in 1818, two years after Charlotte-the author of Jane Eyre and a year and a half before her sister Anne, who also became an author. Her father worked as a church rector, and her aunt, who raised the Bronte children after their mother died, was deeply religious. Emily Bronte did not take to her aunt’s Christian fervor, the character of Joseph, a caricature of an evangelical, may have been inspired by her aunt’s religiosity. The Brontes lived in Haworth, a Yorkshire village in the midst of the moors. These wild, desolate expanses-later the setting of Wuthering Heights-made up the Brontes daily environment, and Emily lived among them her entire life. She died in 1848, at the age of thirty.

I like this book because it rest on the unforgettable characters. Wuthering Heights is based partly on the Gothic tradition, a style of literature that featured supernatural encounters, crumbling ruins, moonless nights, and grotesque imagery, seeking to create effects of mystery and fear. I would like to remend this book to other readers.

呼啸山庄英语读后感 篇八

Wuthering heights for a stranger into the heights, start telling a story. Story has experienced three stages roughly: the rise of human depravity of human nature, human nature of the recovery. The novel, with three people in love as the main body, transverse and longitudinal development.

If the heroine following your inner thoughts, combined with low status playmates to love each other, also won't have later tragedy. The heroine in the rich gentle nice gentleman pursuit, the son of fan dreamy eyes, lost in distress. Each of the two can't compare man contrast, you should feel and deserves to marry the son of a gentleman. But she will still endless melancholy, another voice over: "I love him, although he has a rough dirt poor, yes, I love him, we are so similar." "We may be one person, he is me. He is me." "even if I want to marry him is impossible, the elder brother don't agree with, all of them don't agree with, he is so poor, can't give me happiness." I married my gentle friends, I can help him, yes, I become a hostess, I can help him. "the idea seems to be flooded her, she decided to accept to marry him. At that night, his playmates disappeared.

Married life is very happy. He loved her, all ability to love her to protect her. Although she at heart, is always thinking of her playmates, want to know how he is now, but she can't find a reason to not in love with her current husband. He is so good. This more than ten years may be the best day of her life the most quiet.





呼啸山庄英文读后感 篇九

wuthering heights is a well-written tragedy of love. after reading the whole story, i would like to talk about the main characters of the story?catherine earnshaw and heathcliff. catherine earnshaw and heathcliff love each other very much, but they do not have the right attitude towards love, which leads to the tragedy.

in catherine?s life, she made a very foolish decision---marrying to edgar.in fact, her love for edgar can never be pared to that for heathcliff. she did so, because she thought the wealth of edgar would be useful to heathcliff. but in reality, it did not work. she did not have a good understanding of love, which is something pure and saint. if anyone add any purpose into love, love itself lost its meaning. catherine?s wrong decision hurt two people who love her, and even destroyed the happiness of their offspring.

heathcliff is a man full of retaliation. he loved catherine very much, but what he did, on the contrary, added to the misery of catherine. in my opinion, if he really loved catherine, he should not walk into catherine?s life again after his disappearance. further more, after the death of catherine, what heathcliff did brought agony to catherine?s daughter, as well as his own son.

after reading, i have a better understanding of love. if you love really someone, his or her happiness is the thing that most matters.

呼啸山庄英语读后感 篇十
















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