My Weekend英语作文(精彩4篇)

2023-01-15 07:13:07

在平平淡淡的。日常中,大家都写过作文吧,作文是由文字组成,经过人的思想考虑,通过语言组织来表达一个主题意义的文体。为了让您在写作文时更加简单方便,虎知道为您精心收集了4篇《My Weekend英语作文》,希望能够给您提供一些帮助。

my weekend英语作文 篇一

Yesterday was Sunday,and it was my 12years birthday. My parents had a birthday party at home. I invited my friends to come to the party. At the party. They gave me many small presents. They sang Happy B irthday to me. My mother made a big cake for me.We really had a good time at the weekend.

Busy and happyweekend作文 篇二

When the sun came intomytiny room, I was born and walked to the balcony, listening to the sound of the sound of the bird, and it was a beautiful one days.After I washed up, I put on a sports dress, went out in the morning, and I left without forgetting one little ham and one little fish, as it was, the dog, and the kitten.The morning wind is fresh and pleasant, the gentle sunshine is like one pairs of warm hands, touching the warm flowers, children, perhaps it is too early, the light blue sky, and still leaves, the light of rain, fish,? Wang Jiheng, the Lord of the east, the shining sun, but hidden in one thin clouds, the slightest shame, Su Qiu, Huang Ju, and, there are one in the fenzhong.The little grass is really dew, but it is more colorful, and I usually walk slowly, and listen to the repeated whisper.After breakfast, I went into a book mountain to learn the sea, a moment to become a happy bird flying, for a moment, with cosmetics is due to travel in the water, not happy. I went into the world of Amway for a moment, and then I ran into the world of beans, and I was just a man, and I was in the love of a dream in a dream of a dream, and then I walked in. Next to the romance, I'm happy with one, one sad, a moment, a little, and a little bit of meditation.In the afternoon, I began to fight with the taekwondo world, with all the strength in the big bed, to feel the hard work, the desire, the peace of the past, the whole heart into the casting. And then I'm going into the music world full of youth, playing a song, a lively note, and a new challenge.In the evening I sat in front of the computer, but I painted Wang's art board in the golden mountain, withmyheart and hands onmyhands, and I made a beautiful spring.And then entered, chatting with the students, talking about the heart, the moon is high, shining on the earth, full and beautiful, and I am satisfied to sleep. One silk smiles at the corners of the mouth.

my weekend英语作文 篇三

I have a very busy weekend.

I and my best friend in the morning to go to the playground to play soccer. At noon, I and my best friend to go hiking. In the evening, we were watching the moon, we are very pleased that this is really a happy day.

This is my weekend, it was busy, and very happy!

my weekend英语作文 篇四

On weekends,i don't need to go to school. So i always get up late.

After breakfast, i will help my mum do some housework and watch TV.

In the afternoon, i will do my homework with my friends. i don't go to play untill i finish my homework. In the evening, about 9 o'clock, i will go to bed.

读书破万卷下笔如有神,以上就是虎知道为大家带来的4篇《My Weekend英语作文》,能够给予您一定的参考与启发,是虎知道的价值所在。

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