
2023-07-16 18:08:29


英语读后感 篇一

The novel is rich in poetry, symbolism and metaphor. It does not fit easily into a definite pattern, being neither a novel of "manners" in the tradition of Austen, or a straightforward Gothic Romance in the style of Mrs Radcliffe. What Charlotte Bronte did was to create a work which cleverly blends elements of the two styles, and which remains uniquely independent of them at the same time, since it addresses issues which were at the time rather controversial.

The novel is written in the first person, and thus magnifies the central character - the reader enters the world of Jane Eyre and is transported through her experiences at first hand. This at once makes the work subjective, especially since we know that Charlottes Brontes own life and experiences were so closely interwoven with the heroine's. As well as this we learn only at the end of the novel that the events are being related to us ten years after the reconciliation with Rochester - thus the narrative is RETROSPECTIVE (looking back)。 CB is clever in blending the narrative so that at times Jane seems to be speaking as an adult with adult hindsight , while at others she she is "in the middle" of them, as a child or young woman. The indecision which is a central issue in the book, is heightened by this device. We never know, as readers, whether to be entirely trustful of Janes actions and thoughts, because we are never sure wheher she is speaking impulsively or maturely.

This intensifies the readers dilemma as to what is "right" and "wrong" in the dramatic relationships which are part of JE's life. Can we believe what the heroine says, or is she deceiving herself? The novel is primarily a love story and a "romance" where wishes come true but only after trials and suffering. The supernatural has its place, as do dreams, portents and prophesies. The heroine begins poor and lonely and ends up rich and loved; the orphan finds a good family to replace the wicked one; all the basic ingredients of classic romantic fairytale are present.

The romantic element is present in two forms in Jane Eyre; the "family" aspect is dealt with in the Gateshead, Lowood and Moor House episodes, which involve the exchanging of the wicked Reed family for the benevolent Rivers one; and the Love romance is dealt with in the Thornfield and Ferndean episodes. Both aspects are, of course linked and interwoven throughout the novel.

英语读后感 篇二

"What do you want to tell me about this? She has nothing to do with me. Do you think I'm poor and unpleasant and I have no feelings? I will, and we are the same spirit! As you followed me through the grave, you will stand in front of God. This is the book of Jane Eyre, which affects the whole of Britain, and it is the whole of Britain that recognizes the equality of men and women.

I like the author of Jane Eyre, the author of the book, Charlotte Bronte. This book is like magic, and the people who read this book have changed their minds.

I like Jane Eyre. This book shows that the foreigner is very straightforward, but it is very delicate, though it is small.

I love "Jane Eyre", this book let me know a lot of truth, such as vain, great minds can not be fathomed.

英语读后感 篇三

"A thousand million hit mill is also strength, allowed you to the four corners of the world wind." Santiago -- a strong, not afraid of difficulties are not afraid of failure. Although he suffered a blow, but never gave up looking for hope. Although he was defeated, but never lose heart. Although he was at the Ma Lin fish mouth died, but can once again ignited the hope of victory.

Santiago is a Hemingway works in the vivid image of the fisherman. Santiago 84 days to have gained nothing, his tenacity and hard work, ushered in the eighty-fifth day of hope Dawn, ushered in the eighty-fifth days of sunshine. The eighty-fifth day, the old man out. In the vast sea of his persistence finally paid off: a marlin hooked.

The next four days, is the old man and the big marlin. The cold water is not afraid, not afraid of. He used his wisdom, to beat the big marlin victory.

After trying again and again, the old man finally beat the big marlin, he dared to challenge the failure. The old man and the sea's story tells us, just do not give up, one day you will be successful!

英语读后感 篇四

While Jobs built some of the more venerable brands in the zeitgeist today (Apple, Pixar) and created mobile devices that drive social media use, there’s another insight that emerged over the course of this 600-page journey. It’s what made Steve Jobs Steve Jobs. It’s also a key business skill that’s rarely addressed directly and that is focus. Laser-like, precision focus on what you want and how you can get there. As a young, college drop-out, Jobs worked on an apple-growing commune. His job? Pruning the tree branches so they would grow stronger. In many ways, “the Steve Jobs school of business leadership” is one of understanding focus.Focused Work Teams,Focused Design,Focus on Details,Focus onWhat’s Next,Focus on Ideas, Not Presentations,Focus on the Customer Experience.

英语读后感 篇五

We often hear Balzac in senior high school,but I have nenver read any of his book. Father Goriot`s artistic style most can represent the characteristic of Balzac.So I choice this book to read.As we all know,the writer of the Father Goriot is Balzac.Father Goriot was published in 1834 and wrote in Bourbon restoration period.He He hasn't won a Nobel Prize because there was no Nobel Prize.But there is no doubt that his contribution to the literature is great.

"Father Goriot " is a time of critical realism novels, it is condensed time colors, show the time between people in society hypocrisy, cunning, cruel ... ... English version of this book lethan 180,000 words, but its vision of a wide variety of characters, it deserves a piece of panoramic picture, from the Latin Quarter and Saint marceau Chengguan poverty dowdy side street between the alley, to the St Germain district magnificent aristocratic residence.

the Seoul Zach give us a dazzling display of Paris society, tells the story of a story is matched tears. Paris, various strata of society, the identity of various characters, with their own unique style, at the composition of the novel in a noisy, active, real society. Here there is the greed of snobbish wife, have dedicated science college students, there is hard labor to help the broad masses of mouthmagical secret leader.

After reading "Father Goriot", people can not help but to Parisian society as the center only to money, relationships between the indifference and sadness. Do not care at Parisian society affection, love, and some just relations between people's money. Marx once said: "the bourgeoisie has torn off the mask at home on the tender relationship between the veil, put this relationship into a purely naked money relationship."

The old man is a high wheat flour, the flour sold at during the revolution earn a a large sum of money, he loves loves his two daughters, even to the extent of spoil, then this is a tragedy on the home thus the hair. Daughter would just like to have him as one of the comfortable, or even to pay all their own do not care that he hoped his daughter married door of the aristocracy, so the two darling daughter will not suffer, and happy life.

Compared to the "Father Goriot" children, I was lucky. When I'm gone wrong in the prelude, there is mother’s diligently teachings wake me up. Without being a spoiled and blindly condoned, I didn’t get increasingly fallen. Perhaps, this is love.

英语读后感 篇六

This summer vacation, I read a book -- "Robinson Crusoe"。

This book tells: the British young sailor Robinson because of the ship into the sea sank, alone on an uninhabited island, began to struggle for survival journey. Build rafts, build houses.

In the entire 28 years of efforts, the desert island was built into a paradise by Robinson.

This optimistic, indomitable pioneering spirit and valuable strong quality leave people with the confidence and courage to challenge the nature.

英语读后感 篇七

The story is good,dasey rose more than she started with love is the aunt and uncle Henry's living in day,he and the dog toto is playing a more rose tornado to dasey and dog toto was in bed,and love's aunt and uncle Henry in the cellar safely,house of flying up slowly,after a while,the house again slowly down,crushed the Oriental witch,evil,dasey rose to a different country.

英语读后感 篇八

Read the red and black "is a time too long process, because time already gave writers and works most selfless and impartial judge, I like reading attitude to bestseller since can’t, and can’t be like that unbridled fiction was nonmittal on that. I’m in with the mind talking with that era, the key is in history outside of the inquiry and thinking

Lead me finish the book is gnaw its own great charm. The authors from a paper simple criminal case showed that time data broader social screen, turn an ordinary criminal improve to early nineteenth century French bourgeoisie social system, make the level of the research history and philosophy. Novel makes me see history books in curt inability to feel, that France and bourgeois big noble alternating the key period of ruling the condition. I learn realistic works of another kind of artistic characteristics of the world of people - 1783 stendhal "soul dialectics"; This and I had from the high old man ", "ouye ni · lattice lang sets of Balzac in" the experience "caused a person’s circumstances" very different.

The most dazzling encyclopedia is literary history famous characters, in SuoLeiEr natural is even higher, "civilian background, culture, as happened with the hostess governess, relationships, dew, the shot that lover, was sentenced to death" is his life’s skeleton, "pursue" happy "warm" and "perseverance and class differences revolt showed almost hero’s spirit is moving flesh and blood. The author USES desalt material description and highlight the gimmick of mind tracking, it is to strengthen the impulse even in youth pursuit of "the hero’s dream" experience, this is the social form of resistance, but also for proudlly, our lost youth rebellion.

For ambition in social reality when hampering only two choices: retreats or resistance. Those small staff in advance, not all the youth is plaining life tedious withdraws person, they maybe mediocrity fortably was social forward eliminated. Can continually establish a life goal, decided to achieve the ideal of life is and YuLianYou masculine-looking same protesters. The era of course not wele false words as the method, but still need enthusiasm for life to oppose empty to live. So, in the end even tragic except shows "personal rebellion won’t work" outside, the more practical significance in today’s society.

Write so far, leads to the novel to a "firsts" -- made with DE pepe reina in even Mrs "spiritual love" and to connect with DE la Moore young lady "mind love" set each other off bees an interest. Although the two aristocratic way of love, a very different deep, a frantic, they in these two basic points is consistent, that is: to this class of disgust, MenFa system and rebellious feudal. Remember when julien jeanvier find their love is morphing into vanity said "I put their tools can be destroyed", after the detail is "a proud with malicious expression between the most sincere quickly replaced the most intense love, look." The noble from miss is always slow as the tortoise climb, like life, with a loss of dignity method. Evoked love Book two paragraphs of tragic love has always been with the progress of the upstart dominated and even inferiority in the suspect, until brought life shall be the end, love that broke the futility of primitive sparks, a illnesses.

When I will put pen to write with consciousness, found that when the time already can feel with the time with a psychic reading the original pared. I’m excited to gain against mediocre revelation, moved by those although distortion and still heroic love segments. When someone mentioned "red and black", I can proudly in response to "I read" behind plus a "I also YanJuan meditation of"。

英语读后感 篇九

Today, read "Jane Eyre" this book, make me feel the tragic fate of Jane Eyre and her kind of brave pursuit of the fate of the spirit.

This book mainly tells the story that Jane Eyre lost her parents and was fostered in her aunts home. Despite all her efforts, she was still hard to please her aunt. Later, she was sent to charity, in extremely poor conditions to study hard, charity after graduation, Jane Eyre summoned up the courage to meet a new life, applied to the Thornfield manor as a governess, on love, a secret hid for 15 years to make the wedding, Jane Eyre and give up, then start a new life.

Read the book, I both for the tragic fate of the public and pain, and was shocked by her kind of spirit of not giving up, Jane Eyre is the most ordinary, but also some courage, love and dignity.

英语读后感 篇十

For the ending of gone with the wind, it is sad and sad to stand in a perceptual sense and tell you the truth. Is there any stronger and warmer love going away with time? But from a rational point of view, we have to think that the broken love that Wright said will not stick to the new idea even though it is sticky. What a sad man's two sides!

Anyway, it's an attractive, at least attractive, novel.













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