
2022-10-20 11:38:19


元宵节的英文作文 篇一





Lantern Festival is the fifteenth day of the first month. It is a happy holiday. The main thing about the festival is the lantern show and the lion dance.

On the night of the Lantern Festival, people go shopping with all kinds of colorful lanterns and enjoy dancing dragon lions, guessing lantern riddles and playing games under the full moon.

Yuanxiao is a food that must be eaten for the Lantern Festival. It is also a special food for the Lantern Festival. It is very sweet, with black sesame seeds and peanuts.

I like to eat sweet yuanxiao, like to see colorful lanterns, like to do fun, fun games, more like to guess on the lantern riddles, more like this happy Lantern Festival.

元宵节的英文作文 篇二

The Lantern Festival (元宵节) is the last day of the Chinese New Year celebration.

This day is for the last moment for setting off fireworks, the last excuse for eating a big feast and the last chance for family getting together before the “年” celebrations are over. (Latern Festival is also a traditional time of celebration for foreigners who live in China)。

The Lantern Festival, the 15th of the first month of the lunar calendar, is the first full moon of the year.

Celebrations and traditions on this day date back to the Western Han Dynasty.

Traditions for this festival: as the name indicates, hanging and looking at lanterns is the main tradition.

Lanterns of various shapes and sizes are displayed on trees, or along river banks.

Parents often take their children to Lantern Fairs and sometimes lucky kids even get a mini toy lantern.

Another tradition is guessing lantern riddles. These are riddles that are hung on lanterns for people to shoot down and solve. The riddles are usually short, wise, and sometimes humorous.

The answer to a riddle can be a Chinese character, a famous persons name, a place name or a proverb. This tradition has become a popular game with serious staying power even as social development changes other traditions.

Other than that, the most important thing to do today is to eat sweet dumplings. In northern China, sweet dumplings made of glutinous rice flour are called “元宵” while in southern part they are called “汤圆”。

Typical sweet dumplings are filled with black sesame sauce, sweetened bean paste, or hawthorn. Making “元宵” today is like a game or an activity, so its seldom done without a reason and a group of friends or family present to help out.

元宵节英语作文例文 篇三

Today is the fifteenth day of the Lantern Festival, my uncle the family to my house to eat the family reunion dinner together.

Dinner is very delicious.after: goose, chicken, fish, meat, lettuce, snow peas.。. , I went to help us all meals, the adults drank the wine, the child drink, everyone ate meal while talking and laughing, happy!

After dinner, we are brother and sister younger brother three people playing happily. Play tired can rest, and adults eat dumplings while watching TV in the big four park to celebrate the Lantern Festival.

In Chinese tradition, the atmosphere of the Spring Festival lasts until the fifteenth day of the Lantern Festival. According to Chinese folk customs, on the night of the bright moon hung, people point lights all light, to show celebration. To admire the lanterns, guess riddles is an essential part of the Lantern Festival. Li wan lake park, "water Lantern Festival" this year is out of the limelight. Yuexiu park will "hundreds of meters porcelain dragon" won most plaudits. Baiyun mountain is located at the top of the mountain of the square auspicious and exquisite rock palace lantern, high 8. 8 meters, 12 meters in diameter and 12 zodiac festival from zh zh gems around big palace lantern is put in the middle. Even better palace lantern middle part can turn slowly, symbol "fortunes", bring good luck for guangzhou citizens. Cultural park were set chy-tech 22 groups this year, the theme atmosphere chy-tech 2 groups, the atmosphere lights more than 1500. After dark, lit up, the whole park yi yi is unripe brightness.

Imperceptibly already 12:00 at night, the little brother and sister both want to go home, we separated, reluctantly and'll see you next week. Have brothers and sisters is really good!

元宵节的英文作文 篇四

The Lantern Festival falls on the 15th day of the 1st lunar month, usually in February or March in the Gregorian calendar. As early as the Western Han Dynasty (206 BC-AD 25), it had become a festival with great significance.


This days important activity is watching lanterns. Throughout the Han Dynasty (206 BC-AD 220), Buddhism flourished in China. One emperor heard that Buddhist monks would watch sarira, or remains from the cremation of Buddhas body, and light lanterns to worship Buddha on the 15th day of the 1st lunar month, so he ordered to light lanterns in the imperial palace and temples to show respect to Buddha on this day. Later, the Buddhist rite developed into a grand festival among common people and its influence expanded from the Central Plains to the whole of China.


Till today, the lantern festival is still held each year around the country. Lanterns of various shapes and sizes are hung in the streets, attracting countless visitors. Children will hold self-made or bought lanterns to stroll with on the streets, extremely excited. "Guessing lantern riddles"is an essential part of the Festival.


Lantern owners write riddles on a piece of paper and post them on the lanterns. If visitors have solutions to the riddles, they can pull the paper out and go to the lantern owners to check their answer. If they are right, they will get a little gift. The activity emerged during peoples enjoyment of lanterns in the Song Dynasty (960-1279)。 As riddle guessing is interesting and full of wisdom, it has become popular among all social strata.


People will eat yuanxiao, or rice dumplings, on this day, so it is also called the "Yuanxiao Festival."Yuanxiao also has another name, tangyuan. It is small dumpling balls made of glutinous rice flour with rose petals, sesame, bean paste, jujube paste, walnut meat, dried fruit, sugar and edible oil as filling. Tangyuan can be boiled, fried or steamed. It tastes sweet and delicious. What’s more, tangyuan in Chinese has a similar pronunciation with "tuanyuan”, meaning reunion. So people eat them to denote union, harmony and happiness for the family.


In the daytime of the Festival, performances such as a dragon lantern dance, a lion dance, a land boat dance, a yangge dance, walking on stilts and beating drums while dancing will be staged. On the night, except for magnificent lanterns, fireworks form a beautiful scene. Most families spare some fireworks from the Spring Festival and let them off in the Lantern Festival. Some local governments will even organize a fireworks party. On the night when the first full moon enters the New Year, people become really intoxicated by the imposing fireworks and bright moon in the sky.














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