
2023-10-05 06:00:51

教师节英语:Teacher's Day下面是小编精心为大家整理的10篇《关于教师节的英语作文》,可以帮助到您,就是虎知道小编最大的乐趣哦。

庆祝教师节英语作文 篇一

Today is TeachersDay. We say happy Teachers Day to all of our teachers before class. They arevery happy to receive our greetings. My class sends a flower to each of ourteacher to show our thanks to them. Yesterday, I made cards by myself as the gifts to teachers. Today, I send the cards to my Chinese, math and English teacher.They said the cards are very beautiful. I am excited that they like my gifts. Teachersare important to us and they care much about us. I think they are as good asour parents.

关于教师节英语作文 篇二

Teachers' Day

September 10 is our Teachers’ Day. In the afternoon, Zhonghua school held a celebration meeting, at which more than twenty old teachers each were praised with a medal for their over thirty years of teaching. Our principal made an enthusiastic speech at the meeting, and then the representative of the teachers and students gave a talk to us. After the meeting, we started performances played by some teachers and students, which were very interesting and instructive. We all had a wonderful time. I think we all should respect the teachers, engineers of human soul.


教师节英语作文 篇三

Teachers'Day comes on September 10th every year. On the day we usually give our teachers cards to show our thanks. I thank them for helping me when I am in trouble, and I thank them for teaching me how to be a real man.

Of course they are very friendly to everyone. They always get on very well with their students. They are not only our teachers but also our friends.

庆祝教师节英语作文 篇四

September 10th 2023Tuesday fine.

Today is September 10th. Teachers’ Day.

A teacher was invited to our school to give us a talk. He had taught for fifty years,and had won the gold medals by the Department of Education. He worked hard all his life,and gave all his love to the students. We were deeply moved by his talk.

Today many students he had taught before come back to him,and some others from all over the country visit wrote him letters to express their love and thanks. The old man said that it was the happiest moment in his life.

庆祝教师节英\www.huzhidao.com\语作文 篇五

September 10this the Teachers’ Day of our country, which is intended to be special days forthe appreciation of teachers.

On that day, there are some activities forstudents to show their appreciation to teachers,

such as presenting gifts,including cards and flowers.

In addition, many former students will go back totheir old middle schools and high schools to give presents to their old teachers.Besides, schools also will hold some activities for teachers’ enjoyment.

Somewell-performed teachers will be awarded on that day.

As a student, I will dosomething on that day to show my appreciation and thanks for their hard work.




教师节英语作文 篇六

It is Teacher's Day on September 10th every 'ss are the greatest people in the world,I think,because they teach us how to write and read.The most important is that they teach us how to be a real man.They are also kind to everybody and they dont want anyone to fall behind others.They always get on very well with their students,and they are our best friends.When students are in trouble,they can help them in time.I will be a teacher when I grow up.

教师节英语作文 篇七

"I can always tell a graduate class from an undergraduate class," observed the instructor in one of my graduate engineering courses at California State University in Los Angeles.

"When I say, 'Good afternoon,' the undergraduates respond, 'Good afternoon." But the graduate students just write it down."



教师节英语作文 篇八


Teacher, although parting for a long time, and your image seems to be a brilliant bright spot, has been flashing in my heart.


Every corner of the heart, every inch of your soul, is full of respect for you.


Thank you for illuminating the journey of my life with your own light.


Your kind eyes, such as clouds, float in the clear sky of my heart. Your gentle teaching is like a murmur of spring flowing into the riverbed of my life.


Thousands of words of gratitude to you can not be expressed, to your blessings will not change for a million years, teacher, I wish you all the best!

教师节英语作文 篇九

Every September 10 is teachers' day in China. Teacher's day is China's only three industry, including nurses day, journalist day holiday. In different historical periods in China since 1931, a total of four different date and the nature of the teachers' day.

First appeared in the history of our country is teacher's day in 1931. At that time, the education of famous professor TaiShuang autumn and range coverage and contact the educators of Beijing, Shanghai, to June 6 as teacher's day each year, and published the declaration of teachers' day, improve teachers treatment, safeguard work, improve teachers' accomplishment three goals. This teacher's day is not recognized by the kuomintang government of the time, but all over the country produced a certain influence.

In view of the "six," teacher's day is the teachers organize to set up, the kuomintang government has not acknowledged that in 1939, the KMT government decided to set up the ministry of education of Confucius's birthday (August 27) for teachers' day, and issued the "interim measures for teacher's day to commemorate", but was not in the country.

In 1951, the ministry of education of the People's Republic of China and the all-china federation of trade unions, agreed to combine with "51" international labor day together as teacher's day in China. Due to various reasons, teachers did not practice in fact.

In order to carry forward the fine tradition of "attaching importance", improve teachers' status, January 21, 1985, on the sixth session of the 9th meeting of the standing committee of the National People's Congress formally by the state council on establishing a teacher's day, to determine teacher's day on September 10th every year for China. Since then, the teacher had own festival.

关于教师节英语作文 篇十

































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