
2024-01-21 09:52:55


《风雨哈佛路》观后感 篇一







《风雨哈佛路》观后感 篇二





《风雨哈佛路》观后感 篇三







风雨哈佛路英语观后感 篇四

I happened to see Li Zhihua, a girl with a broken arm, tell a story about her growth on the learning app, and I was very moved. Then I found relevant reports and learned that she is an inspirational lecturer for teenagers and one of the prototypes of the Huabiao Award movie "Invisible Wings"。

This reminds me of the movie "Wind and Rain on Harvard Road"。 Life force is amazing. The meaning of life, each person interprets with his own experience and experience. Live up to it, stay kind, strong will, follow nature, embrace love, and move forward bravely.

"Wind and Rain Harvard Road" is a wake-up call and inspirational movie. The film introduces Liz, a girl who was born in a slum in the United States. She has suffered from family problems since she was a child. Her mother was a drug addict and suffered from schizophrenia. When she was 15, her mother died of AIDS, and the scene where Liz was lying on her mother's coffin was especially touching. The father entered the shelter. The poor Liz had to go out begging, wandering in the corner of the city with some friends, and the misery of life seemed endless. As she grew up, Liz knew that only by studying well could she change her destiny and get out of the quagmire. She moved the principal of the high school with the most sincere attitude and told her story, and won the opportunity to study. Then, Liz started her journey on the long way to school. She went to school while working and completed four years of high school in two years. She won a full scholarship from The New York Times for her sincere speeches, and walked into Harvard with confident steps. Poverty did not stop Liz's determination to move forward. Liz has experienced the hardships and bitterness of her life, but with her own efforts, she fought bravely forward. The focus of the film is not how Liz studied hard at Harvard, but that she had a belief in reading and worked frantically to finally achieve her wish.

In the expression of the content of this film, there are many classic lines that are deeply educated. For example, it was at that moment that I understood where I was and that I had to make choices about my life. I can bow my head in the face of life with all kinds of excuses, or I can try to live a better life for myself.

Most of the previous episodes of "Harvard Road" are about Liz's growth environment and hardships, which fully contrast and pave the way for Liz's progress, breakthrough and transformation. No matter how depraved her mother is, her love is invincible. Liz always remembers that before she was six years old, her mother was healthy and gave her warmth and love, even if there were only the slightest fond memories. Liz always loved her mother and never gave up.

风雨哈佛路英语观后感 篇五

Life, like a thick book in history, which records the life. Different people have different experiences, woven into the book of life. Some book content is flat, some contents of the book in an orderly manner, but she is the interpretation of the book of life of the dripping Lizhu exhaustive.

Her family life make anyone feel that his mother was a drug addict, AIDS patients also suffer from schizophrenia. She didn't have to worry about people blaming heaven, in her heart has always had a desire, hope mother can do love her, care for her as before, to her warm. For this desire, she don't go to school, she hate school, she didn't want to leave my mother. But when my mother died that never again to her mother's warmth. Go, go to another world. She woke up, she realized that only knowledge can change her living conditions. After many setbacks, she entered the a school, she was determined to complete the four year course in two years. She tried to learn, finally pays off, she did. Harvard University, every students dream of the University, she was admitted to her. Through their own struggle, rewrote its own The book of life.

Thus, think about our own. How to write our own this book? Was born, the great maternal love around us. Parents give us wear clothes, parents in the food end to our table, parents give us to pick up things parents considerate, almost to the extreme. However, we have grown up, since life also can not completely take care of themselves, or even leave parents do not know the future where. At this time, if you think about the fifteen years on their own to feed their strong girl.

Living in EH the teenagers, the aggrieved, to parents Huailizha, feelings of affection of the great, let affection to heal th(壶知道★www.huzhidao.com)e injured heart, feel tired when can listen to music, lying in bed, quiet sleep, using a variety of ways to relax your body and mind. However, at this time, you also have to think of, the in washing the dishes, also remember the words, in the bus also formula of persistent girl.

Life, hard road. Book of life and need to write out our own content. Wonderful content or not, not to see the family prominent background, parents are not great achievements, the key is the fruits of your endeavours. Let us carefully written book of life, a belongs only to his book of life.












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