My Favourite Food英语作文【9篇】

2023-04-27 13:40:14

在学习、工作或生活中,许多人都有过写作文的经历,对作文都不陌生吧,作文是人们把记忆中所存储的有关知识、经验和思想用书面形式表达出来的记叙方式。还是对作文一筹莫展吗?这次漂亮的小编为亲带来了9篇《My Favourite Food英语作文》,希望可以启发、帮助到大朋友、小朋友们。

My Favorite Food优秀英语作文 篇一

Food is humans basic need, yet it differs from culture to culture. Color, aroma and taste have been regarded as the basics of Chinese culinary art. In the long history of Chinese course development, there are many differences between the Southern and Northern tastes. Generally speaking, the southern courses emphasize freshness and tenderness; while the northern courses are oilier. As a typically southerner, I prefer freshness and pure flavor. So my favorite food is steaming fish.

饮食是人类最基本的需求,但饮食因文化而异。色香味一直被看做是中华饮食文化的基本要素。在中国饮食文化历史发展的长河中,南方菜和北方菜有很多不同。一 般来说,南方菜更注重鲜、嫩,而北方菜相对比较油腻。作为一个典型的南方人,我更喜爱鲜美和纯粹的味道。所以,清蒸鱼是我最喜欢的菜。

Steaming fish is a classical Guang Dong dish. Its famous for light, soft and slippery taste. The material must be fresh, and the cook must control the heat to make sure the fish remain tender and pure. Put the fresh fish in the pot to steam for 8 minutes with mild heat. Before the dish is finished, add a spoon of oil and some chopped green onion and a spoon of soy sauce, and then the steaming fish is done. My mother is very good at cooking this course. I really love the way she cook the fish, not only maintain the original flavors of the fish, but also provide with enough protein.

清蒸鱼是一道经典的广东菜,以口味清谈、鱼肉细滑而著名。所用材料必须新鲜,厨师需掌控好火候,以此保证鱼肉的鲜嫩。将鲜鱼放在锅中,用文火蒸8分钟。在 出锅之前,加一小勺油和一些葱花及一勺酱油,清蒸鱼就做好了。我的母亲很擅长烹饪这道菜。我非常喜欢她做的清蒸鱼,不仅仅保留了鱼的鲜美,也提供了足够的 蛋白质。

My Favorite Food优秀英语作文 篇二

Fish is my favorite food. I dont know why I like to eat it.

I just feel the smell of fish is very delicious. Maybe is heredity, as my father and grandma also like it.

Whats more, I dont care what kind of fish or what kind of coking style, I like all of them without reasons.

Everytime my mother cook fish, I will eat much more than usual.

So my mother always says that she gives birth to a cat. Everytime she says that all of us laugh.

My Favorite Food优秀英语作文 篇三

Hello. My name is Andy I am ten years old. My favourite food is hot dog. My favourite drink is coke. My favourite job is mailman. My favourite animal is monkey. My favourite sport is badminton. My favourite hobby is bike riding. My favourite color is blue. My favourite room is my bedroom. What ablout you?

我最喜爱的菜英语作文 篇四

Of all the dishes Ive ever eaten, one of my favorite is Jewel Crab. Because it is always so full of color, fragrance and taste that makes my mouth water.

Jewel Crab is best cooked lightly. When you put a pot of crab on the table, you will smell a seductive fragrance; When you pick it up with chopsticks and prepare to eat, you will see how beautiful the red and white colors are; When you put it into your mouth to savor, you will feel how tender the meat is, how fresh the taste is, but fresh with a little spicy; When you swallow it down, your mouth can still enjoy the aftertaste.

Perhaps after listening to this, you will want to taste the idea, but delicious food is not that easy to make, of course, it takes some thought. For example: the collocation of the seasoning, the size of the heat, the mastery of time and so on some must pay attention to. Otherwise, what would the cooked treasure crab taste like?

Although I dont eat Jewel Crab very often, I always think of its taste. Once my father cooked it too spicy, but I still ate most of it. You know how I eat? I am not afraid of your joke, I drink a mouthful of water, eat a crab, just eat so much. You can see how delicious it is.

Now that I think about it, its really delicious.

This is my favorite dish, and if you like to eat it you can make it yourself as I told you, and remember to put a little pepper in it, so its even more delicious.

My Favourite Food英语作文 篇五

Today is Wednesday. We havepotatoes, pork, and green beans for dinner. Potatoes are my mother,s food. ButI don,t like potatoes. I like pork. It is tasty. And I like green beans, too.It is good for me. After dinner, we eat some apples. Apples are my favouritefruit. They are healthy!



我最喜爱的菜英语作文 篇六

In the morning, I opened the door, met with a large golden rape flowers, like a golden sea, shining in the sun little gold.

"The rape flowers are out! The rape flowers are out! "I cheered and couldnt wait to rush to the rape field.

A rapeseed like a graceful girl, put on a yellow coat and a green skirt. The breeze blowing, rape dancing, like a road of golden waves rolling.

Rape flowers, each one has its posture. Some are all open, four pieces of golden petals stretch the body, around the yellow center, like a round stage set up for the center. Some will not open, only out of the small yellow head; Some were still flowers, tightly wrapped in green watts. Each flower has a long, thin green stalk, which is connected to the green stem. These flower handle is strewn at random have send, such each flower is not kept out, can enjoy the moist of sunshine to the top of ones heart.

I close a smell, the aroma is nostrils, the bees can not help but to gather honey!

Although rape flower is very common, but I like it very much.

My Favourite Food英语作文 篇七

Inour China, there are many delicious dishes.

In the record A Bite of China, wecan see the essence of Chinese diet.

Among so many dishes, I like sweet andsour spare rib and beef most.

Sweet and sour spare rib is a traditional andpopular Chinese cuisine. Its cooking method is simple but it taste well. Sweetand sour contains together, tasting much better. Beef is popular in generalfamilies.

There are various methods to cook this food material. We can fry orstew and we can get different but tasty foods. However, taste of home are themost popular in families.


My Favorite Food优秀英语作文 篇八

I most like the fruit, the mango.

I like to eat mango. It has a pair of charming appearance: golden yellow skin, fat crescent shape. As long as you peel it yellow and smooth skin, youll see the Yellow flesh. Gently bite, thin slippery flesh characteristic smell immediately filled the entire mouth, so you have to swallow a mouthful of desire. Unlike other fruits like mango has smell, but put it in the nose below careful smell, can smell the faint fragrance. One time, I put the skin as the fruit into his mouth, suddenly I feel sour and bitter, so I hurried to drink slobber, the better, I was in a hurry to eat something else, just put the food to the mouth, and tongue felt like a layer of skin off like uncomfortable, like a brush at the tongue friction, then I know the mango peel sour and astringent, the skin and flesh has a world of difference, look like the people, can not only look, but also see the human heart.

My Favourite Food英语作文 篇九

I like eating meat so much and I am so picky about food. My parents always worry about my diet, and they try to let me eat vegetables and fruits. But I only can have a little. But after my mom learns to make food with all kinds of cartoon pictures, I start to have a lot of food and don’t picky anymore.


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