
2024-04-05 06:48:59


介绍白鹤梁导游词 篇一






白鹤梁 导游词 篇二

各位旅客朋友大家好!我代表中国旅行社欢迎大家的到来。我叫温雨嫣,大家可以叫我小温,我希望带给大家如春风般温暖的服务。在接下去的时间里将由我为各位提供导游讲解服务,我一定会尽力安排好各位的行程,使大家在这次旅游活动中感到开心愉快。 首先呢,我想为大家先将长江三峡做一个简单的介绍。俗话说:“不走三峡,不算到过长江。不游三峡,不算了解长江。”说到长江三峡,不能不提长江。大家都知道,长江是我国最长的河流,也是世界上第三长河,仅次于非洲的尼罗河和南美洲的亚马逊河。它的源头在我国青藏高原的唐古拉山,流经青海,西藏,云南,四川,重庆,湖北,湖南,江西,安徽,江苏,上海等11个省、市、自治区,最后流入东海,全长6300多千米。


朋友们,知道吗,在长江三峡宝库中还存在着另一处瑰宝,那就是白鹤梁! 白鹤梁题刻位于长江三峡库区上游涪陵城北的长江中,是一块长约1600米,宽15米的天然巨型石梁。它自西向东延伸,与江流平行,呈14.5度的斜度向江心倾斜,常年伏没江中,只有每年冬春季之交,水位较低时才会部分露出水面。相传唐朝时朱真人在此修炼,后得道,乘鹤仙去,故名“白鹤梁”。 这就是名扬中外,被誉为世界水文奇观的“白鹤梁题刻”,1988年国务院颁布为“全国重点文物保护单位”。





白鹤梁石刻历来为世所重视,那是因为它既是长江枯水位的历史记录,又有“石鱼出 水兆丰年”和“年年有余(鱼)”之意由于江水每年枯盈不同,前人刻下的石鱼并不是每年都能露出水面。人们慢慢发现,石鱼“露面”的第二年往往是个丰年,于是乎,“白鹤绕梁留胜迹,石鱼出水兆丰年”的说法就流传开了。

三峡工程的开建,实现了中国人千年的梦想。然而,当三峡水利工程建成后,陪伴了涪陵人一千多年的白鹤梁题刻也将永远眠于水下40米深处。如何保护好这一“国宝”,成为三峡工程文物保护工作面临的重要考验。经过无数专家学者的科学考证,最厚采纳了再原址修建沉箱式博物馆的意见。因为这样既保护了文物,又形成了一个旅游景点,而且增加了申报世界文化遗产的可能性。从2003年正式开工, 2009年5月18日,白鹤梁水下博物馆举行落成仪式。该工程由“水下博物馆”、“连接交通廊道”、“水中防撞墩”、和“岸上陈列馆”四部分组成。水下博物馆的保护罩体工程设计名“穹顶”,位于题刻正上方,呈椭圆形将整个题刻平面覆盖。水下保护罩体墙外设有游人参观通道,游客可由岸上经钢制廊道乘自动扶梯进入水下保护体内。



重庆白鹤梁导游词 篇三

Hello and welcome to the beautiful Fuling. I'm your guide Xiao Yang. Today,we are going to visit Baiheliang, the "world's first ancient hydrologicalstation". Before our cruise ship arrives, I'll give you a briefintroduction.

Baiheliang underwater stone inscription is located in the middle of theYangtze River in the north of Fuling District. It is a natural giant stone beamabout 1600 meters long and 15 meters wide. Shiliang is only exposed in dryseason in winter and spring. There are many different opinions about the originof its name, but they are all related to a man named Er Zhu Tongwei. It is saidthat in the Tang Dynasty, immortal Er Zhu practiced here, and later got the way.He went by the crane fairy, so he was named Baiheliang. Baiheliang inscriptionsbegan in the first year of Guangde in Tang Dynasty. There are 165 publicinscriptions on the beam, including 108 hydrological inscriptions. There are 18stone fish, two Guanyin statues and one white crane. They are mainly distributedon the 220 meter long stone beam.

Baiheliang inscriptions record 72 years of historical low water data fromthe Tang Dynasty to the present. The stone fish inscriptions on Baiheliang notonly have important scientific research and historical value, but also take theeyes of stone fish as the water mark of low water. When the river water recedes,the stone fish will come out of the water, which also means that a dry watercycle of less rain has passed, and the harvest year has come, with the sign of"stone fish out of water" It means "abundant year" and "surplus year afteryear". Therefore, the ancients carved a stone inscription on Baiheliang, whichsaid, "in dry season, if a stone fish comes out of the water, it will beprosperous for thousands of years.". After years of observation and masteringthe law of low water change, many careful people have measured the time when thestone fish came out of the water, the name and native place of the fish watcher,and the distance from the stone fish road out of the river to the low water linewith ruler, and printed it on the stone beam. Over a long period of time, it hasformed an extremely precious hydrological record for more than 1200 years, whichis the earliest and best preserved one in China and even in the world "Stonefish" as a sign of low water in ancient hydrological stations, White Crane RidgeInscription crisscross, Zhuan, Li, line, grass are available, Yan, Liu, Huang,Su, there are minority characters inscription, there are Zhu ang, Wu Ge, WangShizhen and many other poets and poets of the past dynasties, a collection ofliterature, calligraphy, painting, stone art as one, has a high artistic value,so there is "underwater fish" "Forest of Steles".

Baiheliang has now been designated as a national key cultural relicsprotection unit. With the pace of the Three Gorges project, the world-famousWhite Crane Ridge Inscription has been submerged in the water. In order toprotect this precious human cultural heritage, the Chinese government hascreatively built an "underwater Museum" in the original site, which hasimplemented the most effective protection for the White Crane Ridge. Through theprotective rational thinking, the concentrated historical information it carriesis interpreted, so the original site of the White Crane Ridge Inscription Theunderwater protection project is not a "monument", but a continuation of thelife course of stone carving with the philosophy of human progress and advancedscientific and technological means. It also fully reflects the new generation'srespect for ancient civilization. Well, our cruise ship has reached itsdestination. Please get off the ship one by one and enjoy yourself!












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