
2024-04-04 03:27:58


英语打电话对话范文用语 篇一

①.Z:Hello,may I speak to L?喂,L在吗? L:This is L,who's speaking?我就是,你是哪位? Z:This is Z,I'm wondering if we could go to the movies this weekend?我是Z。

②.1、A:喂,亨利在吗?B:我就是,您哪位?A: Henry in?/ Henry there。 然后在录音机上留言? 我的英文不是很好。13、打电话的人要找的人是别人, 请对。


④.1、A:喂,亨利在吗?B:我就是,您哪位?A: Henry in?/ Henry there。 然后在录音机上留言? 我的英文不是很好。13、打电话的人要找的人是别人, 请对。

⑤.1、A:喂,亨利在吗? B:我就是,您哪位? A: Henry in?/ Henry there please? B:This is 's speaking?/Who's that speaking?/Who's calling? 2、打电话的人要找的人不在 A:打电话来的人 B:你 (接电话的人) A:May I speak..。

打电话对话英语 篇二


B: this 4474716?I'd like to speak to ,please?

A:I'm is out right now.

B:May I know when he'll be back?

A:I don't know,but he will certainly be back for is his wife I take a message for him?

B:Thank you, tell him to be at the airport one hour before tomorrow afternoon.

A:Very 'll let him know as soon as he comes ,may I have your name,please?

B:This is Lin .



英语打电话对话范文用语 篇三

打电话要用的英语对话常用语:I'm sorry to call you so late. 对不起这么晚打电话来。I'm sorry to bother you at this hour. 很抱歉在这时打扰你。I hope I'm not disturbing 。

电话问候开头语:A:Hello!May I speak to A Hello!Who is that?Can I get Jack on the phone now?Could I speak to Jack,plese?Could i talk to Jack,please?Have I the pleasure 。

A. Hallo! This is ⋯ can I speak to ⋯ B speaking或he isn't in now A. Are you free this Sunday? 或 Please ask her to call me back this evening. B. Yes,what'up? 或OK. 后面跟谈话内。


like a meteor in their general twinkling

打电话对话英语 篇四



BHi, David. You are very difficult to reach. I called several times. But I kept getting a busy signal. Is your phone out of order?


ANo, not out of order. But we seem to have a bad connection on the phone line. I can’t hear you clearly.


BOk. Let me call you later. Is that okay?


ASure. Thanks.


打电话对话英语 篇五

A: Stone Corp. Hi, Mary speaking. 隐四通公司, 您好,我是Mary。

B: Hello, I’d like to speak to Mr. Hunter, please. 你好,我想找Hunter先生。

A: May I ask who is calling, please? 请问您是哪位?

B: My name is Herbert Wood of IBM Computer Company. 我是IBM电脑公司的Herbert Wood.

A: Thank you, Mr. Wood. One moment, please… (into PBX) Mr. Hunter, Mr. Wood of IBM Computer Company is on the line. 谢谢,Wood先生,请稍等。(打内线电话)Hunter先生,IBM电脑公司的Wood先生找您。

C: Can you find out what he wants? 你可以问他有什么事吗?

A: Yes, Mr. Hunter. (to caller) Im sorry to have kept you waiting, Mr. Wood. Mr. Hunter is rather busy right now and would like to know what you wish to speak to him about. 好的,Hunter先生。(对来电者说)对不起Wood先生,让您久等了。Hunter先生现在非常忙,他想知道你有什么事对他说。

B: Yes, I want to buy some computer software and talk about developing some other software. I don’t know whether he is interested in that or not? 是的,我想买一些计算机软件,另外再谈一谈开发一些其它的软件。我不知道他是否有兴趣。

A: I see. Thank you very much, Mr. Wood. Would you wait a moment, please? (to PBX) Mr Hunter, Mr. Wood wants to buy some computer software. 我明白了,非常感谢,Wood先生。请你等一下好吗?(打内线电话)Hunter先生,Wood先生想买一些计算机软件。

C: I see. Put him on line two. 好的,请转到2号线。

A: Yes, Mr. Hunter. (To caller) Mr. Wood, I’m very sorry to have kept you waiting. I’ll put you through to Mr. Hunter.


A: Good afternoon, Sales Department. May I help you? 下午好,销售部,我能帮你什么忙吗?

B: Could I speak to Mr. Bush, please? 可以和Bush先生说话吗?

A: I’ll see if he is available. Who shall I say is calling, please? 我要看一看他是否在。请问我得告诉他谁打来的?

B: John Smith.

A: Hold the line, please. Mr. Bush is in a meeting with the Managing Director at the moment, I’m afraid. Can I help you?


B: Well, I want to discuss with him the new contract we signed last week. 好的,我想跟他讨论一下我们上星期签订的合同。

A: I don’t think the meeting will go on much longer. Shall I ask him to call you when he is free? 我想会议不会开得太久,我让他有空给你打电话,好么?

B: Yes, that would be easiest. 是的,那样最好了。

英语打电话对话范文用语 篇六

A: Hello, 88888888./。。。.B:Hello. May I speak with Tom/(Mary。。), please?A:(this is Tom) Speaking./ok,wait a : Hi, Tom/(Mary。。. ),This is Jim. Are you free this 。

A: Stone Corp. Hi, Mary speaking. 隐四通公司, 您好,我是Mary。 B: Hello, I’d like to speak to Mr. Hunter, please. 你好。

A: Hello, 88888888./。。。.B:Hello. May I speak with Tom/(Mary。。), please?A:(this is Tom) Speaking./ok,wait a : Hi, Tom/(Mary。。. ),This is Jim. Are you free this 。

hello this is XXX speaking.(我是XXX) Could I speak to XXX ,plese?(能请XXX接听电话么?) Hello, I'd like to speak to XXX.(我想打给XXX) XX(我) speaking. Is XXX in? (我是XX。

Z:Hello,may I speak to L?喂,L在吗? L:This is L,who's speaking?我就是,你是哪位? Z:This is Z,I'm wondering if we could go to the movies this weekend?我是Z,我想。

打电话对话英语 篇七

A:Hello,may I speak to

B:Wait for a moment please.

several minuts later....

B:Sorry,he is at the meeting I take a message for you?

A:Please tell him that I called him,and ask to call me back.


A:Thank you very much.

B:You are welcome.

英语打电话对话范文用语 篇八


A: Stone Corp. Hi, Mary speaking. 隐四通公司, 您好,我是Mary。 B: Hello, I’d like to speak to Mr. Hunter, please. 你好。

打电话时常用的英语: 1、(接电话方)拿起电话Hello! This is XXX speaking.(喂?这里是……) 2、(拨电话方)说明目的Hello, this is Robert calling for Steve.(喂,我是Robert。

Hello, may I speek to ? 1、Speaking. (我就是。这是最常见的,没有不礼貌的意味) 2、Yes. (我就是。这也是很常见的。













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