
2023-12-15 22:48:36


初中英语励志小故事 篇一

During the Warring States period(475-221B.C.),Prince Mengchang of the State of Qi was fond of having various kinds of people as his hangers-on,the number of whom was said to have amounted to three refusing anyone who came to hime,he let the talented people do what they could and also offered food and lodging to the ,followed by his hangers-on,Prince Mengchang was sent on a diplomatic mission to the State of Qin.Attermpting to make him prime minister of the state of Qin,King Zhao of the State of Qin kept hime from leaving. Not daring to offend the king,Prince Mengchang stay here.He is a person of royal lineage,and has feud and family back in the State of Qi,How could he serve the State of Qin heart and soul?"The king thought it plausible,and changed his mind.He put Prince Mengchang and his hangers-on under house arrest,waiting to find an excuse to kill them.The king had an imperial concubine on whom he doted most,and he never refused her anything,Prince Mengchang sent a man to her for help.The concubine promised to help if she could have the unique white fox fur coat of the State of Qi as her reward.Prince Mengchang was troubled,for he had already given it to the king of the State of Oin as a gift when he arrived here.Just then,one of the hangers-on said,"I can manage to get it 。

"H " He left immediately.It turned out that this man was a skilled burglar who used to enter horses through the hole for dogs in the wall.He made an investigation first,and learned that the king was too fond of the fox fur coat to wear it and that the coat was kept in the choice storeroom in the palace.Eluding the patrol,he found his way easily in the moonlight into the storeroom and got the fur coat out.Seeing the coat,the concubine was extremely pleased,She tried every means to talk the king into giving up the idea of killing Prince Mengchang.The king also planned to give a farewell dinner to Prince Mengchang two days later before sending him back to the State of Qi.。But Prince Mengchang did not dare to wait two more the horses,he and his men sped stealthily eastward that very night.It was just midnight when they arrived at the Hangu Pass(in today's Lingbao County in Henan Province,which was the east gate of the State of Qin)。According to the laws of the State of Qin,the gate of the pass should not be opened until cocks crew in the morning.But how could they crow at midnight?They were very much worried when they heard a cock crowing.Immediately all the cocks inside and outside the pass followed the cock in crowing.It turned out that one other hanger-on could imitate the cock's crow very well,and the first crow was actually his imitation.

The guards of the pass felt it very strange to have heard the cocks' crow before they could hardly have had enough ,they had to open the gate of the pass and let them go.At dawn,the king of the State of Qin learned that Prince Mengchang and his men had escaped.He immediately sent his troops to chase them.When the troops arrived.He immediately sent his troops to chase them.When the troops arrived at the Hangu Pass ,they had gone for a long time.With the help of those people who knew small tricks such as crowing like a cock and snatching like a dog,Prince Mengchang finally got back to the State of Qi.This story appears in"The Life of Prince Mengchang" in the Historical Records written by Sima Qian.Later,the set phrase"crowing like a cock and snatching like a dog" is used to refer to small tricks or people who know small tricks.









简单英语小故事:生金蛋的鹅 篇二

One morning a countryman went to his goose's nest, and saw a yellow and glitteringegg there.He took the egg home. To his delight, he found that it was an egg of pure gold.

Every morning the same thing occurred, and he soon became rich by selling his eggs.

The countryman became more and more greedy. He wanted to get all the gold at once, so he killed the goose, when he looked inside, he found nothing in its body.



初中英语的小故事 篇三

A man named Fu Xian was fond of reading books. Though proficient in literature andetiquette, he was stubbornly adherent to outworn rules.

Being impractical and dull, he looked just like an old pedant.

One day, Fu Xian strolled on the street with measured strides and asked whomever he met:

“Have you seen Wei San?”

Someone pointed to the direction and he walked on unhurriedly with measured strides. Whenhe saw Wei San, he panted for a while, then said:

“I just saw your wife doing needlework under a tree. She was tired and taking a nap.

Your child was playing beside a well, only 3 to 5 chi away from it.It seemed to me that someaccident might happen.

As there is prudent reserve between men and women, it was not convenient for me toawaken your wife in person.

That's why I have come all the way here to tell you.”

Upon hearing this, Wei San was panic-stricken and hurried home. When he got home, his wifewas bending over the well, wailing bitterly for their son.

初二英语小故事短文 篇四

1、The fox and the grapes

Hungry fox saw the vine hanging from a string of crystal clear grapes, slobber DC, want to eat off, but also Can't reach. At the moment, feel helpless to go, he said while walking his own comfort:" this has not cooked grape, sure Are sour."

That is to say, some capacity is small, do not a thing, on the pretext that premature.



2、The little boy and the Scorpion

There is a child in the front wall to catch the grasshopper, while to catch a lot. Suddenly he saw a scorpion, he thought that is the grasshopper,

Then two go to catch him. The scorpion his sting, said: "come, if you really dare to do like this, even you catch a grasshopper Grasshopper will completely lose."

This story warns people, to distinguish good and bad, to treat them differently.




3、The wolf and the crane

Wolf mistakenly swallow a piece of bone, very hard, running around, looking for a doctor. He met the egret, stipulated fees to invite him

Bone removed, Lusi their head into the wolf's throat, and drew out the bone, so the wolf to be a good reward. The wolf answered

Say:" Hey, friend, you can wolf mouth all is well. Withdraws head, can not meet, how to speak reward?"

This story illustrates, the bad guys do no reward, and be thankful if you say the essence of credit.






4、The widow and the hen

A widow woman kept a hen, hen lays an egg every day. She thought some more chicken feed barley, a day will be two

Egg. Therefore, such a day to feed her, the result looks more and more fat hen, an egg a day is not even under the.

This story explained that, some people because of greed, want more benefits, the results are even deprived of the existing.




5、Standing on the roof of the goat and Wolf

The little goats on the roof, saw a wolf from the pass underneath, and cursed him, laughing at him. The wolf said:" Oh, man, scold

I is not you, but you are in the ground."

This story illustrates the advantages and the secret, often give a person with strong courage to fight.




6、Mountain Earthquake

One time, a mountain happened a big earthquake, vibration sounds like a loud moan and shout. Many people gathered

At the foot of the mountain to watch, do not know what had happened. While they were assembled in anxious, worried about seeing something bad omen, only

Saw a mouse running from the mountain.

Don't make much ado about nothing.

山 震





7、Good and evil

Weak forces of good, evil away to heaven by. Asked Zeus is good at, how can we return to earth to. Zeus told

He, you don't go, one of the world's visit. Evil and people very close, so continuously to find him

Are. Good because down from the sky, on the very slow to very slow.

That is to say, people is not easy to meet good, but every day of the injury or harm.

善 与 恶





8、Two pockets

Prometheus created man, and in each of them hanging round her neck has two pockets, a pack the faults of others, the other

Of their own equipment. He put the loaded others faults pocket hanging in the chest, the other is hanging behind his back. Hence it is that men are

Quick to see the faults of others, and their total however invisible.

This story explained that people often like to find fault with others, but ignore their shortcomings.




9、The hunting dog

An old dog young and strong never yielded to any beast of the forest, the elderly, in a hunting, met a Wild boar,

he bravely rushed to bite pig ears. Because of his dental aging weakness, not snapped, wild boar Run away.

Master came running greatly disappoint one's hopes, give him a meal. Old dogs raised his head and said:" master ah! This cannot be Blame me not.

My brave spirit and the youth are the same, but I can't resist the natural law. I used to act by Your praise, it should not be your blame."

That is to say, the birth and death is the inexorable law.

老 猎 狗






10、The ants and beetles

Summer, other animal have a leisurely life, only the ants run around in the fields to collect, wheat and barley, give yourself aWinter food storage. Surprised todung beetle asked him why he was so diligent. Ant at the time said nothing.

Winter came, a heavy rain washed cow dung, dung beetle hungry, where ant went begging, ants said to him:" hey,Buddy, if at the time when I work, you not criticize me, but also to work, we would not have the hungry."

It is said that, despite the changing situation, the people can avoid disaster save.















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